Gaynor, a fellow Bride to Be and writer of a lovely blog called Our Day by Design has tagged me with a very sweet award and a neme where I have to relate 10 random things about myself and then pass it on. I'm trying not to think about this too hard and just go with it....
1) I'm the eldest of three girls. We are each born exactly three years and two weeks apart each (an organised German mother!)
2) I have weekend newspaper obsession. I get a bit antsy if I fail to get at least The Saturday Guardian and The Sunday Times. We take all week to read them cover to cover and always recycle.
3) I'm a Newcastle United supporter. (yes, really! can't you tell?)
4) I'm dyslexic (you may have noticed).
5) I hoard books. I just can't throw anything I have read away so I drag shelves and shelves of dog eared paperbacks from one home to the next. I should really have a cull - it's getting out of hand.
6) My shelves also contain several large files full of recipes cut out of magazines. These recipes are recorded in a very geeky and complicated cross-referencing card-file system. It makes me seem totally crazy OCD.
7) We collect vintage film posters. My favourites are Polish or Cuban silk screen prints but the best one we own is a rare Japanese poster for Bullit.
8) I knew N was the man I'd marry within a few weeks of meeting him. I was quite surprised by how obvious it was to me - until then I didn't really think I was the marrying kind.
9) I'm a totally undiscerning music lover. My i-phone plays it all - from 90s rock to Northern Soul; funk; folk; house; hip hop; chart pop; samba; blues; electronic; classical and much to my DJing hubby-to-be's despair - country.
This is just really my preamble to admitting that most of all I love love love Dolly Parton. Oh I so do.
10) I'm a Godmother! My beautiful perfect little godson was born last month to my lovely bestest friends and I am so looking forward to watching him grow-up.
And now I'm tagging a few lovely blogs I found recently:
Gaia from Alice's Advenures in Wonderland
Laura from Cider & Sass
Lana Kenney from lanalou
Mo from Pink Argyle
and Artimis from tales of a jUnkaholic
Wow, thank you, what a nice surprise!!x
ReplyDeleteI do no. 6 (though I haven't organized a good index system yet). I found your blog though Pink Argyle (1 of my favorite blogger buddies) and love to find new bloggers in England. Good luck with wedding planning!
ReplyDeleteYou've been so sweet! Sorry if I'm late to thank you! It was a veruy nice surprise! you made my week!
ReplyDeleteYour point 10 and pic took me quite by surprise and brought a little tear... little O loves his Godma B! xxx
ReplyDeletewow, i'm horribly behind! thank you! x