Monday, 10 May 2010

The last ten days ... achievements of a skatter-brained Bride-to-be

Friday 30-APR-10
Wake hung-over. Nick immured by food-poisoning. Fail to mop his brow or administer sympathy.
Bad future-wife.
Take train Clapham to collect invitation
. Wrong proof has been printed.
Unable to argue due to hangover.
Bad bride-to-be.
Curse heavy bag of wrong invitations, s
ick boyfriend, the chemist and Clapham station.
Bad Bad Bad.
Cause Mother’s tears when I call about wr
ong invitations. Leave message with Father begging him to dry mother’s tears and remonstrate with printers.
Bad daughter.
Provide chicken soup and some haphazard brow mopping for boyfriend.
Plan to at least address all envelopes for
Reward myself for being a bit less bad b
y watching Julie/Julia. (Possible new favourite film.)

Saturday 1-MAY-10

Sun out and everything much better with the world.
Decide to celebrate our anniversary (it’s around now, can never remember exact date) by taking a trip to Borough Market.
Spend silly money on fancy cheeses and venison and capers.
Try on wedding rings. Decide a plain gold band is "the one".
Once home, make final decisions on wedding rea
dings and hymns and order presents for bridesmaids.
Sunday 2-MAY-10
Torrential rain.
Depart in car for parent’s house (wonder if boat might be better option.)
At parent’s, eat Chicken with home-grown veg, apple charlotte, cold beers and warm fire. Mmmm.

Finally settle down to envelope writing.
Have first argument about how to address envelopes.
Have first fit of uncontrollable laughter about a story regarding one of the addressees.

Have second argument about how to address envelopes.
Decide to stick with convention when addressing envelopes - might not be everyone’s cup of tea but you can’t please everyone and life’s too short to try.
Mother realises she isn’t so sure about Germa
n conventions; Father not totally sure about British ones.
Decide to just make it up as we go along. How long do people look at an envelope anyway? And we can just blame it on being foreign either way...
By 9pm we’ve finally finish writing, laughing, arguing, reminiscing and writing again.

Sleep all the way home in the car. Bad co-pilot.

Monday 3-MAY-10

More rain.
Book ferry to France and back as we're driving to wedding. (Should have been done months ago - oops!)
Smother our living room in maps of Italy and
other miscellaneous bits of Europe as we plan our route/routes.
Cancel previously planned honeymoon - we’re now going to Sardinia instead. (Much better - woop woop!)

Tuesday 4-MAY-10
Courier lots of very important documents to the Deanery in Italy. (Cross our fingers.)
Fax other important documents to British C
onsulate in Florence. (More crossed fingers.)
Email planned order of service to prie
st for approval.
Scan pictures for photobooth project.

Wednesday 5-MAY-10
Mother attends flower arranging course. Applaud her greatness.
Badger sister about drawing us a map to go in with the invitations.
Have what is supposed to be the final dress fitting. Ask for a few more tweaks. Feel sad not to be taking dress home.
Stress about hairstyles. (How should I have
my hair?) Stress about shoes (still haven’t got shoes!)
Relive stress by cooking and dancing with husband-to-be.

Thursday 6-MAY-10
Final and correct invitations delivered to work. Swoon at their beauty.
Ask a friend to film our wedding on Super 8 since he’s pretty professional with a camera. He’d be delighted. Applaud his greatness with some Chablis!
Friday 7-MAY-10

Make plans for wedding cake baking with aunt.
Sister sends map she’s designed. Declare it to be the best map that has ever existed in the history of maps. Nick and family concur and all applaud her greatness.
Stay at work late printing and guillotining
map.Saturday 8-MAY-10
Pick up mother’s 60th birthday surprise.
Blindfold mother - can she guess what it is? It
’s her little brother come all the way over from Berlin for the day! Hooray!!
Head to Selfridges to try on hats and possible outfits for ‘mother of the bride’. Love many hats.
Day ends with a surprise dinner in a crazy Austrian themed restaurant with more of mother’s friends. Lots more hoorays and applause for greatness all ‘round!
Sunday 9-MAY-10Stuff all the ****ing envelopes! Check and recheck.
Put right stamps on for UK, Germany, Italy, USA, Australia, Israel, Singapore, Turkey and India. Decide the taste of Royal Post Office stamps may linger on my tongue forever - yuk! And wonder why our envelopes taste of rice cakes. Hmm?

Hand deliver to all addressees living in West London.
Make more bunting.
Stress about shoes.
Confirm Hen plans with maid-of-honour.
Tweak, finalise and confirm wedding gift list.
Husband-to-be calls time out and orders pizza, movie and cuddle.

First picture found on Peonies and PolaroidsAll others from my phone so sorry if they're a bit crappy.


  1. Oh my lord, your greatness is incredible! I thought I'd had a good day last week, but you had a week of wedding days!
    I love that photo with all the stamps, its so colourful!
    well done you, pat on back :)

  2. Gosh, that's a lot of stamps.

    You have been rather busy! I thought it was tiresome sending 1 to Germany, 1 to France and 1 to Italy!

  3. You are super organized! Sometimes when I think about all that has to be done I want to run and hide under the duvet... but then I bake some biscuits and put it all off for another day!

  4. Bear in mind that we have five weeks (that's FIVE WEEKS!) to go. So a lot, nay ALL, of this should have been done ages ago.
    But thanks anyway ladies!

  5. Nice information regarding Italy wedding.

    Thanks By

    Wedding car London and
    Wedding car Birmingham

  6. Ooooh busy busy busy!

    OMG just 5 weeks to go! Cant wait to see the pics! Says me who hasnt started her proper recaps yet - its cause im still waiting for my CD of pro pics honestly!

  7. I love your 10 day account... You are a marvel (as my ma would say!). So busy, so much to do, let me know if I can help!

    Such exciting times ahead!
    Mama Gee xx
